NW Update
Adult Work:
Sheffield University
Sheffield University are funding one-to-one tutorial support for Ray de Gussa until Christmas. Depending upon Rays attainments this is likely to continue in 2011. One of the main outcomes of the module will be to perform a short improvised solo. This outcome will be assessed by an improvisation test including a practical and song writing component. Ray will be given a stimulus, e.g. a chord sequence, 1 week before his exam. During the exam itself, the chord sequence is played again and Ray will be expected to play a melody over the top of the chord sequence. Fil Hill will be advising the University on how a student using AMT can be measured against this outcome.
Jigsaw is a social and sports group for young disabled people living in Bury. The group caters for around 30 disabled people aged between 13 and 30 years of age with a range of physical, learning and behavioral impairments.
Jigsaw have commissioned Drake Music to deliver an exciting pilot 4 week course for up to 20 members of Jigsaw from October 2010 until December 2010. Following this both Jigsaw and Drake Music will provide feedback about how the pilot went, and Jigsaw will make a decision about whether they wish to purchase 18 further sessions. Feedback so far has been very positive and it’s likely further sessions will be purchased.
Stockport CP
These weekly sessions are continuing to be of immense value to Stockport CP participants. The Prospectors have performed at the Alma Lodge Hotel in October for Stockport MBC “Valuing health, Valuing people” conference. They are also gigging at the Trafford Centre in December 2010.
Ramp it Up Projects
Music Services in St Helens are funding Drake Music to run a 16-week music course throughout the Autumn term for Key Stage 4&5 pupils at a local Special School. The project will involve 15 two hour workshops, 1 performance and 1 recording, training teachers and local music associates/therapists. The workshops will encompass one to one sessions as well as group activities to make certain that all the pupils are meaningfully involved.
An mp3 of the final piece of music created will give participants a record of their achievements, inspire other disabled people and promote both our partner organisations and ourselves.
They are very impressed with the quality of our work and have helped us to source two of the schools we will be working with as part of our national “Ramp it Up” programme.
We have delivered half day training to a special school in North Wales around the Soundbeam and we are in negotiations with St Helens Music Services regarding future training days and/or a conference on inclusive music making.
We have recruited Alison Jones for 5 days to secure money from local/regional smaller trusts and help research sources of funding for Ramp it Up/other projects in the North West. Alison will also be working on an Awards for All bid to develop a programme of work in the North West.
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