Sing Up
Drake Music have been working in partnership with Sing Up to make singing accessible to every child, in particular students who face significant physical or communication barriers. We've made a short film about this work. You can watch it here:
Barrs Court Music Motivator
The Drake Music SW team have completed the Barrs Court Music Motivator project funded by Youth Music and delivered in partnership with Barrs Court School and Music Pool, Herefordshire. Drake Music produced 6 schemes of work for the school. We took 6 units written by QCA and made them more accessible for students and staff by creating supporting resources using Clicker 5 software, Powerpoint and by creating audio CD's containing sound effects, backing tracks etc. The project has also included a considerable amount of staff training on subjects such as using Clicker5 and powerpoint for music making, soundbeam2 and setting up a PC to play and record sound.
Barrs Court have been extremely pleased with the project and have decided to engage Drake Music to complete another 6 units of work over the next year.
We will also be working with Youth Music over the next year to develop access to the resources for other special schools.
Gloucester Music Service
Drake Music SW have been engaged by GMS to deliver participation and training in accessible singing in every special school in Gloucestershire during the summer term. We will also be training GMS staff in accessible singing. We will be reporting back to GMS in August on the best way to deliver music making in these special schools in the future.
RAMP it Up! Real Accessible Musical Participation
This creative music project is running this summer term at St Roses school, Stroud, Claremont Primary and Claremont Secondary. Students at all schools will take part in a series of music workshops and compose and learn a piece of music which will be performed in a sharing at the end of the project. We are also working in partnership with the schools to ensure the longer term delivery of accessible music education and will be training teachers and support staff.
This project will delivered at another four schools in the South West next academic year and we will shortly be inviting schools to apply to run the project in their school.
Emersons Green Afterschool Music Club
A new integrated after school music club started at Emersons Green School in June, led by Drake Music. Funding has been secured from Aiming High funds, South Gloucestershire Council, to run the club until the end of 2010.
Summer Playschemes
Drake Music are running music making sessions during July and August at Briarwood Summer Playscheme and Claremont Summer Playscheme. These sessions are open to all students at the schools and their siblings.
Vocal Force Project
Drake Music SW have delivered accessible singing training at schools in Oxfordshire and Berkshire and trained Vocal Force staff.
We have received generous donations from Serena White and Kitty Cavendish towards our work in the South West who raised sponsorship by running the Rome marathon and completing a skydive respectively. The donations will go towards our core costs and the new work at Barrs Court School. We also received donations from GASfest and Cardiff Legal Services both in memory of Jason Morris. We are extremely grateful for all these donations which make our work possible.
We are currently looking at ways of delivering the NOCN Introduction to Music Course at St Roses and piloting a new accessible BTEC music course at Claremont Secondary, both from September. For more information about the CDI please see the CDI blog
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